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 Register   ||    Login   ||   Tuesday, May 29, 2012
      Michelle North Scholarship for Safety

This scholarship was founded in memory of Michelle North, a long-time industry advocate of safety, to encourage a stronger focus on safety and safety education and training in helicopter operations. The scholarship provides for full tuition to attend the HFI Safety Management course at HELI-EXPO 2012 in Dallas, Texas. Also includes a full registration to HELI-EXPO 2012, and dinner for two at the Salute to Excellence Awards dinner courtesy of Helicopter Association International.

The HFI Board of Directors has appointed a Selection Committee to select the scholarship winners. One scholarship in this category may be awarded in 2012.

Neatness, completeness and accuracy do count. Additional pages requested must be supplied.|

An electronic form of the application is preferred. Please e-mail to [email protected]

All applications must be received at HFI by November 30th, 2011. Mail to HFI Scholarships, 1635 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314

Requirements: Must already be working in the helicopter industry, either in the safety or safety management field or already preparing to enter the safety or safety management field.