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As part of HAI HELI-EXPO 2015 in Orlando, Helicopter Foundation International will hold its annual Online Silent Auction of aviation-themed items and experiences.

This year’s auction, hosted online by BiddingForGood, promises to be bigger and better, reaching thousands of potential aviation enthusiasts and bidders!

Auction proceeds will help support the HFI Scholarship Program — an important initiative geared toward increasing the number of future pilots and mechanics – as well as HFI’s efforts to preserve the history of the helicopter industry.

Helicopter Foundation International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (federal tax ID #52-1297129). Please consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of your donation. An acknowledgment of your donation will be sent to you for your records in April 2015, after the conclusion of the HFI Online Silent Auction.


The 2015 HFI Online Silent Auction is now open for bidding, 24/7!

The auction closes 4:00 pm EST, March 5. Bid today on the perfect gift for family, colleagues, or even yourself!